Fitness Information — gym gloves
10 Benefits of Elastic Resistance Bands Workouts
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The Benefits of Weight Lifting Gloves
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Weightlifting gloves improve your grip on weights and make workouts safer. Hands get sweaty during a workout. When they do, your hands can slip. This can be annoying if you are doing pull-ups and keep falling off the bar. It is also dangerous if you are holding heavy weights over your body.
4 Ways Exercise Affect Your Body.
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1) Out of breath and elevated pulse
This is always a bit alarming, but it's perfectly normal. When you first start working out, your body responds by raising your heart rate and causing you to breathe heavy. Exercise gets a lot easier as you go along, and it's because your body starts adapting to your workout.
10 steps towards a fit life
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These are 9 must-read beginner-training tips!
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